4.1. The killing of babies. Abortions

1. Signs of the end. The killing of babies. Abortions – the biggest manslaughter of all times. Opening post.

„Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart” Jeremiah 1:5.

„…you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13

Fr. Shenan Boquet, president of the pro-life Human Life International (HLI), writes for LifeNews.com, April 1, 2013, that according to Dr. Brian Clowes, HLI director of education and research, there have been more than 1.72 billion worldwide abortions since the 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the United States.

That’s 1,730,000,000 little human persons killed in 40 years, or an average of 43.25 million abortions each year.

That figure is shocking enough. But Dr. Clowes points out the trend is not lessening but growing exponentially as more and more countries embrace and legalize contraception and abortion as methods of population control, which is always sold as “family planning” and “reproductive health.”

Among the 1.72 billion worldwide abortions are the 336 million abortions in China since 1971 — a figure that’s 21 million more than the total population (315,6 million) of the United States as of March 1, 2013.

In his article, “Data Reveal Scale of China Abortions,” Simon Rabinovitch reports that there have been 336 million abortions, 196 million sterilizations and 403 million intrauterine devices used in China since 1971. He notes that Chinese doctors every year abort roughly 7 million babies, sterilize nearly 2 million men and women and insert 7 million IUDs, though precise numbers are hard to come by.

But the United States is no slouch when it comes to abortion. In the 40 years since Roe v. Wade, more than 54.5 million American babies were murdered through abortion.

It is almost unimaginable to believe that humanity has sunk and continues to sink to such a level of disregard for human life. One would think we would have learned from history and the consequences of intrinsically evil decisions. As there was with the concentration camps of the Second World War, there should be outrage and outcry for the 1.72 billion children murdered in the last 40 years.

What will be the saturation point? How many more will die to satisfy man’s demonic appetite for murder and destruction?



4. Signs of the end. The killing of babies. Abortions – the biggest manslaughter of all times.

12 amazing facts that prove the preborn’s humanity in the first trimester. Abortion does not take a potential life: it take the real, actual, life of a human being.

With today’s modern technology and medical information, we have a real-time window into the womb. What happens to babies before birth – all the ways they move, grow, and change – is nothing short of amazing.

Here are just 12 scientific facts that happen to babies before they are born. These 12 facts demonstrate the uniqueness, value, and humanity of preborn children. What’s more, each of these 10 things occur in the first trimester – when approximately 90% of abortions in the U.S. occur.

1) Preborn babies have their own unique DNA

Science tells us the human embryo is a “developing individual” while in the womb. Physical changes occur quickly from the moment of fertilization.

Modern science indisputably recognizes the preborn child as a new human being. As Dr. Micheline Matthews-Roth of Harvard Medical School says: “It is scientifically correct to say that an individual human life begins at conception, when egg and sperm join to form the zygote, and this developing human always is a member of our species in all stages of its life.” Dr. Jerome Lejeune – the scientist who discovered Down syndrome – agreed: “Life has a very long history, but each of us has a very neat beginning – the moment of conception.” „A society that kills its children has lost its soul and its hope…” -Jerome Lejeune

Dr. Jerome Lejeune (June 13, 1926 – April 3, 1994) was a French pediatrician and geneticist, renowned in the field of medicine.

Recombinant DNA technologies, discovered after abortion was legalized throughout the U.S. indisputably prove that the unborn child “is a whole human being from the moment of fertilization, that all abortions terminate the life of a living human being, and that the unborn child is a separate human patient under the care of modern medicine.”

Countless medical textbooks – from various science specialties – agree. From the very first moment, a human being is a human being.

2) Organs begin to develop within three weeks

3) A baby’s heart begins to beat at 18 days, and is pumping blood at 22 days.

4) At four weeks, the baby’s facial features are becoming noticeable.

5) At five weeks, a baby’s circulatory system is developing, as well as the foundation for her hair, nails, and tooth enamel.

6) Preborn babies react to touch

7) Brainwaves are detected at six weeks

8) At six weeks, a preborn baby’s ear is already appearing

9) Preborn babies play in the womb

10) Preborn babies yawn and suck their thumbs

11) Preborn babies have fingerprints

12) A preborn baby hides from abortion instruments

The video “The Silent Scream” (as well as other ultrasounds) captures the D&C abortion of a baby in her first trimester. Aspiration (Suction) D&C abortions are the most prevalent type of surgical abortion in the U.S., and they are commonly performed up to 13 weeks of pregnancy. Approximately 700,000 preborn children are killed using this type of abortion every year.


 5.  Signs of the end. The killing of babies. Abortions – the biggest manslaughter of all times.

10 Reasons why Abortion is Evil & not a pro-choice

Since the legalization of abortion in 1973, over 58 million unborn children have been killed (in US), more than the entire population of Spain. That’s 150 babies per hour. About 1 every 24 seconds.

By the time you finish reading this article, few more innocent lives will be lost. God’s plan for them will be cut short.

Can we remain indifferent to such immense human slaughter? NO. So please read the top 10 reasons why abortion is wrong and must be opposed:

  1. Abortion offends God

Procured abortion is never a mere personal choice but a grave offense against God and His creation. The anti-abortion struggle has always been a religious battle. This is because Church teaching on abortion is clear and unequivocal: Procured abortion is murder. There are no exceptions allowed, no compromises possible.

  1. Our deadliest war

The continuing war on terror has lead to a renewed national consciousness of the high price of war, and, for many, a heightened desire for peace. Yet, despite all this concern, the most horrible war of all continues unabated. This is a war going on within our borders, and it has claimed 58 million American lives in the last 44 years.

This scourge is as horrible as anything terrorists can fathom, because it strikes at the very core of humanity: the family. By destroying the most basic human bond of all—that between mother and child—abortion dissolves the precious glue that binds our nation together.

While mother and child are the first victims, there is not a single element of society that is not affected by abortion. Mother, child, father, husband, aunt, uncle, friend, sibling and grandparent alike suffer the scars of the abortionist’s scalpel. Peace abroad is meaningless without peace at home.

  1. Life starts at conception

This is the definition given in any respectable medical textbook. To declare a beginning of life at any point after the fusing of a mother’s egg and a father’s contribution is irrational and an exercise in sophistic chicanery. Only machines such as clocks and cars come into existence part by part. Living beings come into existence all at once and gradually unfold their world of innate potential. A living human person begins to exist at the moment of conception, even though only as a cell. What is important is not the size or weight but the essence – which is fully human. The unborn baby has a distinct, unchanging and unrepeatable genetic code, unique in all of history, from the moment of conception till death. Nothing is added except nutrition and oxygen.

  1. Mankind must protect innocent life

The first and foremost instinct of humans is preservation of life. This begins with self-preservation, and extends to all humanity through domestic bonds and realization of a like nature. „Pregnancy termination” stops the beating heart of an innocent human being and is in direct contradiction to this most basic premise of human nature. It forsakes natural law, and has left America as a country unable to repopulate itself without the aid of mass immigration.

  1. Abortion is unsafe

Compared with other medical procedures, the abortion industry is largely unregulated. Although there are no exact statistics for the number of women who die from botched procedures, LifeDynamics.com compiled a list of 249 women killed by legal abortions. Furthermore, the National Cancer Institute commissioned a study by Dr. Janet Daling, an abortion supporter, and her colleagues at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center which found a link between abortion and cancer: „among women who had been pregnant at least once, the risk of breast cancer in those who had experienced an induced abortion was 50% higher than among other women.”

The official journal of the Catholic Medical Association, The Linacre Quarterly, published a study with similar findings: „There is worldwide evidence for a link between induced abortion and breast cancer.”

  1. A biogenetic Tower of Babel

In a cynical but logical progression, the culture of death is now bent on engendering human life so as to destroy it. Its new frontier is embryonic stem-cell and human cloning research. In the name of science and health, human life is destroyed at its very inception and „limited” cloning is used to produce usable cells that can be manipulated and harvested to aid the living. In short, the remaining ethical barriers that preserve human dignity and God’s rights in Creation are steadily coming down. The biotech revolution has as its avowed goal not just curing disease but the construction of a „brave new world” of genetic engineering, changing the very makeup and design of man himself. We cannot permit the completion of this challenge to God, a new Tower of Babel, which will be like another Pandora’s box, unleashing untold ethical and moral havoc on our nation.

  1. Breaking the abortion cycle

Abortion is a sin that perpetuates evil. The abortion mentality destroys the family by making it more difficult for new Americans who survive beyond the womb to find the family welded together by the indissoluble bond of marriage solely between a man and a woman. Children need families that will nurture them, guard their innocence and develop their personalities. In particular, all children must find within their homes the Faith that enables them to know, love and serve God in this world and be happy with Him forever in the next. As long as the traditional family remains in crisis, we will never sever the power lines that supply the abortion mills. As long as the Faith remains dead in souls, we will never wipe out the moral rot of sexual immorality, which is the contaminated soil where the abortion movement grows and flourishes.

  1. Roe v. Wade: 44 years of lies

The 44th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s infamous Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion-on-demand calls to mind the biggest pack of lies ever set in motion – lies that have cost the lives of more than 58 million innocent babies cruelly torn from their mothers’ wombs. How can such slaughter, numerically on par with Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s Russia, be tolerated by the present United States of America, a republic purportedly based on moral values and human rights?

  1. Stop the lies!

The unborn baby’s heart starts beating at 18 days and brainwaves can be recorded after 42 days. If the law uses these factors to determine death, why can’t they be used to determine life? Babies can survive outside the womb at 22 weeks. At 6 weeks, the body of the unborn child is sensitive to touch. The embryo is not a blueprint that becomes a human being.

  1. The slippery slope

Yesterday it was contraception. Today it’s abortion and same-sex „marriage.” Will it be widespread euthanasia of the sick and elderly tomorrow? Then death camps for everyone else deemed ideologically „undesirable”? Once abortion is universally accepted, what logical arguments will stop euthanasia and other forms of murder and tyranny?

6.  Signs of the end. The killing of babies. Abortions – the biggest manslaughter of all times.

Thou shalt not kill, You shall not murder or You shall not kill (KJV), is a moral imperative included as one of the Ten Commandments in the Torah.

Fr. Shenan Boquet, president of the pro-life Human Life International (HLI), writes for LifeNews.com, April 1, 2013, that according to Dr. Brian Clowes, HLI director of education and research, there have been more than 1.72 billion worldwide abortions since the 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the United States.

That’s 1,730,000,000 little human persons killed in 40 years, or an average of 43.25 million abortions each year.

That figure is shocking enough. But Dr. Clowes points out the trend is not lessening but growing exponentially as more and more countries embrace and legalize contraception and abortion as methods of population control, which is always sold as “family planning” and “reproductive health.”

7. „Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart” Jeremiah 1:5.

Abortion is murder

Procured abortion is never a mere personal choice but a grave offense against God and His creation. The anti-abortion struggle has always been a religious battle. This is because Church teaching on abortion is clear and unequivocal: Procured abortion is murder. There are no exceptions allowed, no compromises possible.


8. The deadliest war

The continuing war on terror has lead to a renewed national consciousness of the high price of war, and, for many, a heightened desire for peace. Yet, despite all this concern, the most horrible war of all continues unabated. This is a war going on within our borders, and it has claimed 58 million American lives in the last 44 years.

This scourge is as horrible as anything terrorists can fathom, because it strikes at the very core of humanity: the family. By destroying the most basic human bond of all—that between mother and child—abortion dissolves the precious glue that binds our nation together.

While mother and child are the first victims, there is not a single element of society that is not affected by abortion. Mother, child, father, husband, aunt, uncle, friend, sibling and grandparent alike suffer the scars of the abortionist’s scalpel. Peace abroad is meaningless without peace at home.

9. Life starts at conception

This is the definition given in any respectable medical textbook. To declare a beginning of life at any point after the fusing of a mother’s egg and a father’s contribution is irrational and an exercise in sophistic chicanery. Only machines such as clocks and cars come into existence part by part. Living beings come into existence all at once and gradually unfold their world of innate potential. A living human person begins to exist at the moment of conception, even though only as a cell. What is important is not the size or weight but the essence – which is fully human. The unborn baby has a distinct, unchanging and unrepeatable genetic code, unique in all of history, from the moment of conception till death. Nothing is added except nutrition and oxygen.

10. Mankind must protect innocent life

The first and foremost instinct of humans is preservation of life. This begins with self-preservation, and extends to all humanity through domestic bonds and realization of a like nature. „Pregnancy termination” stops the beating heart of an innocent human being and is in direct contradiction to this most basic premise of human nature. It forsakes natural and spiritual law.

11. Abortion is unsafe

Compared with other medical procedures, the abortion industry is largely unregulated. Although there are no exact statistics for the number of women who die from botched procedures, LifeDynamics.com compiled a list of 249 women killed by legal abortions. Furthermore, the National Cancer Institute commissioned a study by Dr. Janet Daling, an abortion supporter, and her colleagues at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center which found a link between abortion and cancer: „among women who had been pregnant at least once, the risk of breast cancer in those who had experienced an induced abortion was 50% higher than among other women.”

The official journal of the Catholic Medical Association, The Linacre Quarterly, published a study with similar findings: „There is worldwide evidence for a link between induced abortion and breast cancer.”

Professor Joel Brind and his colleagues reported a “30% greater chance of developing breast cancer” in their 1996 review and meta-analysis of worldwide data. He said recently:

“If we take the overall risk of breast cancer among women to be about 10% (not counting abortion), and raise it by 30%, we get 13% lifetime risk. Using the 50 million abortions since Roe v. Wade figure, we get 1.5 million excess cases of breast cancer. At an average mortality of 20% since 1973, that would mean that legal abortion has resulted in some 300,000 additional deaths due to breast cancer since Roe v. Wade.”

Brind said his estimate excludes deaths from the use of abortion to delay first full term pregnancies – a recognized breast cancer risk.

In 2002, Angela Lanfranchi, MD testified under oath in a California lawsuit against Planned Parenthood that she had private conversations with leading experts who agreed abortion raises breast cancer risk, but they refused to discuss it publicly, saying it was “too political.”

12. Breaking the abortion cycle

Abortion is a sin that perpetuates evil. The abortion mentality destroys the family by making it more difficult for new Americans who survive beyond the womb to find the family welded together by the indissoluble bond of marriage solely between a man and a woman. Children need families that will nurture them, guard their innocence and develop their personalities. In particular, all children must find within their homes the Faith that enables them to know, love and serve God in this world and be happy with Him forever in the next. As long as the traditional family remains in crisis, we will never sever the power lines that supply the abortion mills. As long as the Faith remains dead in souls, we will never wipe out the moral rot of sexual immorality, which is the contaminated soil where the abortion movement grows and flourishes.


13. Defense of abortion built on a foundation of lies

Roe v. Wade: 44 years of lies. The 44th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s infamous Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion-on-demand calls to mind the biggest pack of lies ever set in motion – lies that have cost the lives of more than 58 million innocent babies cruelly torn from their mothers’ wombs. How can such slaughter, numerically on par with Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s Russia, be tolerated by the present United States of America, a republic purportedly based on moral values and human rights?

“Non profit” Planned Parenthood abortion business makes $1.35 billion killing babies in abortions. Planned Parenthood is a satanic business and a very powerful lobbying group. In the face of growing pressure on Planned Parenthood after revelations that it was selling human body parts, the Satanic Temple has launched a pro-abortion crusade to come to the aid of America’s largest abortion provider.

14. The unborn baby is a human being, so stop the lies you evil people !

The unborn baby’s heart starts beating at 24 days and brainwaves can be recorded after 42 days. Babies can survive outside the womb at 22 weeks. By 6 weeks, the body of the unborn child is sensitive to pain. The embryo is not a blueprint that becomes a human being. In the picture: how they kill an unborn child at 23 weeks.

15. What will the future bring in a godless society ?

Yesterday it was contraception. Today it’s abortion and same-sex „marriage.” Will it be widespread euthanasia of the sick and elderly tomorrow? Then death camps for everyone else deemed ideologically „undesirable”? Once abortion is universally accepted, what logical arguments will stop euthanasia and other forms of murder and tyranny?

16. A simple but powerful message for the godless mothers

17. Why a bacteria can be considered life on Mars but a heartbeat of a fetus is not considered life on Earth ?

18. What kind of mother are you, when you kill your own child ?

Thou shalt not kill, You shall not murder or You shall not kill – is one of the Ten Commandments in the Bible.

 19. History repeats itself. New times, new ways of murdering the children. Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in US.

 20. Abortion is legalized baby killing

Planned Parenthood – US. More than $540 million provided each year by taxpayer funding for the murder of over 300.000 innocent babies in the womb.

 21. How can someone is unable to love such a baby ?

 22.  When you live in a godless society where the laws for protecting the wild life are more important than the laws that protect a human life…

“Did you know you can be charged up to $250,000 for destroying an eagle egg, but you can destroy babies in the womb?”

What is the penalty for killing a bald eagle in the US?

The Bald and Gold Eagle Protection Act prohibits „the take, possession, sale, purchase, barter, offer to sell, purchase or barter, transport, export or import, of any bald or golden eagle, alive or dead, including any part, nest, or egg, unless allowed by permit.” The definition of „take” includes pursuit, hunting, killing, capture, and disturbance, so it concerns the specific circumstance of your question.

First time violation of the act can result in one year of imprisonment and/or a fine of up to $100,000 for individuals/$200,000 for an organization. Subsequent violations are treated as felonies—a maximum fine of $250,000 or two years of imprisonment.

(Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act via The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)

23. Do we live in a normal society ? Is the life of an animal more important than the life of a human being ?

24. Abortion propaganda vs. medical facts

Medical facts:

  1. Preborn babies have their own unique DNA
  2. Organs begin to develop within three weeks
  3. A baby’s heart begins to beat at 18 days, and is pumping blood at 22 days.
  4. At four weeks, the baby’s facial features are becoming noticeable.
  5. At five weeks, a baby’s circulatory system is developing, as well as the foundation for her hair, nails, and tooth enamel
  6. Preborn babies react to touch at six weeks
  7. Brainwaves are detected at six weeks
  8. At six weeks, a preborn baby’s ear is already appearing
  9. Preborn babies play in the womb at eight weeks
  10. Preborn babies yawn and suck their thumbs at nine weeks
  11. Preborn babies have fingerprints 
  12. A preborn baby hides from abortion instruments

25. Only in America can you be pro abortion, pro-gun, pro-death penalty, pro-war, pro-nuclear weapons, pro-environmental destruction and still cal yourself „pro-life” !

The following infographic provided by Sifting Reality exposes just how off-base the „progressives” views and priorities on guns and abortion are.

It compares deaths caused by abortion with those caused by guns over the 30-year period from 1973 to 2013. It’s a stark comparison.

As you can see from the graphic, there were nearly 55 million abortions that killed unborn babies in America over the 30-year period.

In that same time period, there were just over a half million deaths caused by guns, a number that includes suicides and negligence along with murders.

26. More love and dedication for atheist mythology that they call it natural science, than for an unborn child ! Here is just an example of disregard for human life. Where is the love that Jesus preached about ? You can find a strong support for abortion in the atheist community because they consider the human being an accident of nature, not a special creation of God, having an important purpose – reaching the state of child of the Most High.

27. Murdering a pregnant woman is double homicide

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes an embryo or fetus in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines „child in utero” as „a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb”

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act was first introduced in Congress in 1999 by then-Congressman (later Senator) Lindsey Graham (R-SC). It passed the House of Representatives in 1999 and 2001, but not the Senate. In 2003, the bill was reintroduced in the House as H.R. 1997 by Rep. Melissa Hart of Pennsylvania. It was ultimately co-sponsored by 136 other members of the House before it passed by a vote of 254 in favor to 163 against on February 26, 2004. After several amendments were rejected, it was passed in the Senate by a vote of 61-38 on March 25, 2004. It was signed into law by President Bush on April 1, 2004.

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act was strongly opposed by most pro-choice satanic organizations.

President George W. Bush made the following statement on Apr. 1, 2004 at the signing of the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004:

„The Unborn Victims of Violence Act provides that, under federal law, any person who causes death or injury to a child in the womb shall be charged with a separate offense, in addition to any charges relating to the mother. As of today, the law of our nation will acknowledge the plain fact that crimes of violence against a pregnant woman often have two victims. And therefore, in those cases, there are two offenses to be punished. Under this law, those who direct violence toward a pregnant woman will answer for the full extent of the harm they have done, and for all the crimes they have committed…

Until today, the federal criminal code had been silent on the injury or death of a child in cases of violence against a pregnant woman. This omission in the law has led to clear injustices. The death of an innocent unborn child has too often been treated as a detail in one crime, but not a crime in itself.”

Apr. 1, 2004 – George W. Bush, MBA

Tell me again how abortion is not murder.

28. You shall know when the end is near, when the endangered species will be more protected than human life.

  1. Piping Plovers are protected under federal and state laws.

They are protected by the:

Federal Endangered Species Act

Federal International Migratory Bird Treaty Act

Nebraska Nongame and Endangered Species Conservation Act

  1. Sea turtles are either endangered or threatened (the loggerhead is the only species that has a population high enough to be only threatened in Florida). They are protected under the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 and Florida’s Marine Turtle Protection Act (379.2431, Florida Statutes).

Florida Statutes (F.A.C. Rule 68E-1) restrict the take, possession, disturbance, mutilation, destruction, selling, transference, molestation, and harassment of marine turtles, nests or eggs. Protection is also afforded to marine turtle habitat. A specific authorization from Commission staff is required to conduct scientific, conservation, or educational activities that directly involve marine turtles in or collected from Florida, their nests, hatchlings or parts thereof, regardless of applicant’s possession of any federal permit.

  1. The humpback chub is an endangered, native fish of the Colorado River. Humpback chub protection:

Listed as endangered by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 1967; given full protection under the Endangered Species Act of 1973.

Endangered under Colorado law since 1976.

Protected under Utah law since 1973.

  1. Human fetus protection against abortion ?